Who We Are
Nilam Patel Bahushrut Foundation, a public charitable trust, was founded on 2nd Nov, 1993. The foundation is registered under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950.
Bahushrut Foundation offers scholarships, prizes and awards for higher studies to Hearing Impaired students of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
The foundation has received income tax exemption certificate under section 80-G. The Foundation is also registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976.
We strongly believe that just as every child has a right to food, clothes & shelter, he or she also has a right to education.
In India, this can be made possible only through mainstream education.
"EVERY CHILD has a right to education -
to ensure his growth and development, to fulfil his individual potential."
-The UN Declaration on Human Rights
Our Vision
Every Hearing Impaired child is given an opportunity to learn and be educated in regular school with his hearing peers and is provided with necessary support system to make inclusive education a success.

Our Mission
To encourage early intervention and inclusive education for Hearing Impaired children.
To encourage higher education among Hearing Impaired students by awarding scholarships, prizes and special awards every year for college education.
To facilitate inclusion of Hearing Impaired persons in to the mainstream of the society and subsequently equal opportunity.
To promote any other activities for rehabilitation and welfare of Hearing Impaired persons.